Measure spot intensity

DEPRECATED: Please use separate "Get local object region" and "Measure object intensity" modules.


DEPRECATED: Please use separate "Get local object region" and "Measure object intensity" modules.

Measures the intensity of an image for a circular (2D object*) or spherical (3D object*) region coincident with the mean centroid of each object in a specified object collection. Measurements are associated with the corresponding input objects. The radius of the measurement region can be specified as a fixed value or determined on an object-by-object basis from associated object (or parent) measurements.

Note: This module differs from the "Measure object intensity" module, which measures the intensity of all coordinates of an object.

* 2D objects are defined as objects identified from a single-slice image. Objects with coordinates confined to a single plane, but identified from a 3D image stack are still considered 3D objects.


Input imageImage from the workspace to measure the intensity of.
Input spot objectsObject collection from the workspace for which spot intensities will be measured. One spot will be measured for each object.
Calibrated unitsWhen selected, spot radius values (irrespective of whether they are fixed values, measurements or parent measurements) are assumed to be specified in calibrated units (as defined by the "Input control" parameter "Spatial unit"). Otherwise, pixel units are assumed.
Radius value sourceControls how the radius of the spot is defined:
  • "Fixed value" A single radius, defined by "Fixed value" will be used for all objects.
  • "Measurement" The radius will be equal to the value of a measurement (specified by "Radius measurement") associated with the object being measured. Radii will potentially be different for each object.
  • "Parent measurement" The radius will be equal to the value of a measurement (specified by "Parent radius measurement") associated a parent of the object being measured (specified by "Parent object"). Radii will potentially be different for each object..
Fixed valueFixed spot radius to use for all object measurements when "Radius value source" is in "Fixed value" mode.
Radius measurementMeasurement associated with the input object. This will be used as spot the radius for spot intensity measurements when "Radius value source" is in "Measurement" mode.
Parent objectParent object of the input object being measured. This parent will provide the measurement (specified by "Parent radius measurement") to be used as the spot radius for spot intensity measurements when "Radius value source" is in "Parent measurement" mode.
Parent radius measurementMeasurement associated with a parent of the input object. This will be used as the spot radius for spot intensity measurements when "Radius value source" is in "Parent measurement" mode.
Measure meanWhen selected, the mean intensity of all coordinates in the spot is calculated and stored as a measurement associated with the input object.
Measure minimumWhen selected, the minimum intensity of all coordinates in the spot is calculated and stored as a measurement associated with the input object.
Measure maximumWhen selected, the maximum intensity of all coordinates in the spot is calculated and stored as a measurement associated with the input object.
Measure standard deviationWhen selected, the standard deviation of intensity of all coordinates in the spot is calculated and stored as a measurement associated with the input object.
Measure sumWhen selected, the summed intensity of all coordinates in the spot is calculated and stored as a measurement associated with the input object.