Operations capable of creating new objects from existing ones. For example, fitting ellipsoids or creating projections along an axis.
Creates and measures the skeletonised form of specified input objects.
Extract object cross sectionExtracts XY-plane cross-sections of specified objects.
Extract object edgesExtracts edge and interior objects for each object in a specified set.
Fit Gaussian 2DGaussian spot fitting.
Fit active contoursUses active contours to fit a 2D concave hull to specified objects.
Fit concave hull 2DFits a 2D concave hull to all objects in a collection.
Fit convex hull 2DFit 2D convex hull to a 2D object.
Fit ellipseFit ellipses to all objects in a collection using ImageJ's built-in ellipse fitter.
Fit ellipsoidFit ellipsoids to all objects in a collection using "<a href="https://imagej.
Fit longest chordMeasures the longest chord of each object in a specified object collection from the workspace.
Get local object regionCreates a local object region (sphere or circle) for each object in a specified object collection.
Get object surfaceCreate surface objects for each input object.
Grow objectsProject objects