Fit ellipsoid

Fit ellipsoids to all objects in a collection using "<a href="https://imagej.


Fit ellipsoids to all objects in a collection using "BoneJ". Fit ellipsoids can be stored either as new objects, or replacing the input object coordinates.

Note: If updating input objects with ellipsoid coordinates, measurements associated with the input object (e.g. spatial measurements) will still be available, but may no longer be valid.


Parameter Description
Input objects Objects from workspace to which ellipsoids will be fit. Measurements made by this module are associated with these input objects, irrespective of whether the fit ellipsoids are also stored as objects.
Fitting mode Controls which object coordinates are used for ellipsoid fitting:
  • "Fit to whole" All coordinates for the input object are passed to the ellipsoid fitter.
  • "Fit to surface" (default) Only surface coordinates of the input object are passed to the ellipsoid fitter. Surface coordinates are calculated using 6-way connectivity.
Limit axis length When selected, all axes of the the fit ellipsoids must be shorter than the length specified by "Maximum axis length". This helps filter out mis-fit ellipsoids and prevents unnecessary, massive memory use when storing ellipsoids.
Maximum axis length Maximum length of any fit ellipsoid axis as measured in pixel units. This is onyl used if "Limit axis length" is selected.
Object output mode Controls whether the fit ellipsoid is stored as an object in the workspace:
  • "Create new objects" Fit ellipsoids are stored as new objects in the workspace (name specified by "Output objects"). Ellipsoids are "solid" objects, irrespective of whether they were only fit to input object surface coordinates. Ellipsoid objects are children of the input objects to which they were fit. If outputting ellipsoid objects, any measurements are still only applied to the corresponding input objects.
  • "Do not store" (default) The ellipsoid coordinates are not stored.
  • "Update input objects" The coordinates of the input object are removed and replaced with the fit ellipsoid coordinates. Note: Measurements associated with the input object (e.g. spatial measurements) will still be available, but may no longer be valid.
Output objects Name assigned to output ellipsoid objects if "Object output mode" is in "Create new objects" mode.
Enable multithreading Process multiple input objects simultaneously. This can provide a speed improvement when working on a computer with a multi-core CPU.