Modules performing spatial-based measurements on objects in the workspace.
Measures the shortest distance between all objects in the specified input collection and all other objects in the same, or a different collection.
Measure object centroidMeasure mean XYZ centroid for all objects in an object colleciton.
Measure object curvatureFits a 2D spline to the backbone of objects.
Measure object limitsMeasures the XYZ spatial limits of each object relative to the origin (x = 0, y = 0, z = 0) of the original image.
Measure object overlapCalculates the overlap of each object in an object collection with any object from another collection.
Measure object shapeMeasures various spatial metrics for each object in a specified object collection from the workspace.
Measure object width Measure relative orientationMeasures the orientation of each object relative to a specific point.
Measure specific widthMeasures the width of the object along the axis passing through two specified reference points.
Measure track motionMeasures various motion metrics for tracked objects.