Measure object intensity

Measure intensity of each object in a specified image.


Measure intensity of each object in a specified image. Measurements of intensity are taken at all pixel coordinates corresponding to each object. By default, basic measurements such as mean, minimum and maximum will be calculated. Additional measurements can optionally be enabled.


Parameter Description
Input objects Objects from the workspace for which intensities will be measured.
Input image Image from which pixel intensities will be measured. This image can be 8-bit, 16-bit or 32-bit. Measurements are always taken from the first channel if more than one channel is present (to measure additional channels, please first use the "Extract substack" module).
Measure median intensity When selected, the median intensity of each input object will be calculated. For very large objects, this can require a lot of memory
Measure weighted centre When selected, the intensity-weighted centroid of each input object will be calculated. With this, the greater the intensity in a particular region of an object, the more the "centre of mass" will be drawn towards it.
Measure peak brightness location When selected, the location of the brightest pixel in the object will be calculated. In instances where multiple pixels have the same brightest value, the mean of their positions will be used