Measure intensity along path

Measures the intensity profile along the pixel-wide backbone of an object and outputs this profile to .


Measures the intensity profile along the pixel-wide backbone of an object and outputs this profile to .xlsx file. Input objects are skeletonised to single pixel-wide representations prior to measurement; however, pre-skeletonised objects can also be processed.

Output results are stored in a multi-sheet .xlsx file, where each sheet includes the profile for a specific input image. Each row of a sheet contains the profile for a single object. Profiles are linearly-interpolated such that each measured position along a profile is 1px from the previous.

Note: Objects must either form a single line (i.e. not contain multiple branches) or reduce to a single line during skeletonisation. No profile will be recorded for any objects which fail this requirement.


Parameter Description
Save location Select where the image should be saved.
  • "Mirrored directory" Save the image to a new directory structure which has the same layout as the input. This is useful when batch processing from a multi-layer folder structure. The subdirectory layout will match that of the input structure, but will have its root at the folder specified in "Mirrored directory root".
  • "Match Output Control" Save the image to the folder specified by the "Save location" parameter in "Output control".
  • "Save with input file" Save the image in the same file as the root file for this workspace (i.e. the image specified in "Input control".
  • "Specific location" Save the image to a specific folder.
Mirrored directory root The root path for the mirrored directory structure. This path is the equivalent of the folder specified in "Input control". All subfolders will be in the same relative locations to their input counterparts.
File path Path to folder where images will be saved.
File name (generic)
Save name mode Controls how saved image names will be generated.
  • "Match input file name" Use the same name as the root file for this workspace (i.e. the input file in "Input control".
  • "Specific name" Use a specific name for the output file. Care should be taken with this when working in batch mode as it's easy to continuously write over output images.
File name Filename for saved image. Care should be taken with this when working in batch mode as it's easy to continuously write over output images.
Append series mode Controls if any series information should be appended to the end of the filename. This is useful when working with multi-series files, as it should help prevent writing files from multiple runs with the same filename. Series numbers are prepended by "S". Choices are: None, Series name, Series number.
Append date/time mode Controls under what conditions the time and date will be appended on to the end of the image filename. This can be used to prevent accidental over-writing of images from previous runs:
  • "Always" Always append the time and date on to the end of the filename.
  • "If file exists" Only append the time and date if the results file already exists.
  • "Never" Never append time and date (unless the file is open and unwritable).
Add filename suffix A custom suffix to be added to each filename.
Input objects Objects for which intensity profiles will be generated.
Measure another image Include another image from the workspace to be measured. Each separate image will be measured at the same spatial points and be saved to a separate sheet of the .xlsx file.
Input image Image for which the intensity profile will be measured. Results from this profile will be added to a separate sheet in the .xlsx file.
Include centroids Include columns recording the XYZ object centroid in pixel (or slice) units.
Include timepoints Include a column recording the timepoint that the objects were present in.