Replace measurement value

Replaces measurement values matching specific criteria with different values.


Replaces measurement values matching specific criteria with different values. This can be used to replace instances of NaN (not a number) values with numeric values or to replace all measurement values failing a numeric test (e.g. less than) with, for example, NaN.

Note: "NaN" stands for "Not a Number" and can arise from certain calculations (e.g. division of 0 by 0) or if a measurement couldn't be made (e.g. fitting an ellipse to an object with too few coordinates).


Parameter Description
Input objects Objects from the workspace for which specific measurement values will be replaced. Any object measurements with values matching the specified criteria will be replaced by another specified value.
Measurement Measurement associated with the input objects. Any object measurements with values matching the specified criteria will be replaced by another specified value.
Replacement condition Controls under what condition the input object measurement (specified by "Measurement") will be replaced by the specified value. Note: "NaN" stands for "Not a Number" and can arise from certain calculations (e.g. division of 0 by 0) or if a measurement couldn't be made (e.g. fitting an ellipse to an object with too few coordinates). Choices are: Is NaN, Is not NaN, Less than, Less than or equal to, Equal to, Greater than or equal to, Greater than, Not equal to.
Reference value If "Replacement condition" is set to a numeric condition (e.g. less than), this value will be used as the threshold against which the measurement value will be tested.
Replacement value type Controls what type of value any measurements identified for replacement will be replaced by:
  • "NaN (not a number)" Measurement values will be replaced by NaN (not a number).
  • "Number" Measurement values will be replaced by the numeric value specified by "Replacement value".
  • "Negative infinity" Measurement values will be replaced by the specific "negative infinity" value.
  • "Positive infinity" Measurement values will be replaced by the specific "positive infinity" value.
Replacement value Value to replace identified measurements with if "Replacement value type" is set to "Number" mode.