Object measurement calculator

Perform a mathematical operation on measurements associated with each object of an object collection in the workspace.


Perform a mathematical operation on measurements associated with each object of an object collection in the workspace. The calculation can replace either or both values with fixed values, measurements associated with an image or a statistic of all measurements associated with another object collection (e.g. the mean volume of all objects). The resulting measurements are associated with the corresponding input objects as new measurements.


Parameter Description
Input objects Object collection from the workspace to perform the measurement calculation for. The specified calculation will be performed once per object in the collection.
Value mode 1 Controls how the first value in the calculation is defined:
  • "Fixed" A single, fixed value defined by "Fixed value 1"is used.
  • "Image measurement" A measurement associated with an image (specified by "Image 1") and defined by "Image measurement 1" is used.
  • "Measurement" A measurement associated with the input object and defined by "Measurement 1" is used.
  • "Object collection statistic" A statistic (specified by "Statistic mode 1") of a measurement (specified by "Reference measurement 1") associated with all objects in an object collection (specified by "Reference objects 1") is used. For example, the mean object volume. Note: The object collection used to calculate the statistic doesn't have to be the same as the input object collection.
Fixed value 1 Fixed value to use in the calculation when "Value mode 1" is in "Fixed" mode.
Image 1 A measurement associated with this image will be used in the calculated when "Value mode 1" is in "Image measurement" mode.
Image measurement 1 Measurement associated with an image (specified by "Image 1") to use in the calculation when "Value mode 1" is in "Image measurement" mode.
Measurement 1 Measurement, associated with the current object, to use in the calculation when "Value mode 1" is in "Measurement" mode.
Reference objects 1 Object collection for which a statistic of an associated measurement will be used in the calculation when "Value mode 1" is in "Object collection statistic" mode.
Reference measurement 1 Measurement associated with the objects in the collection specified by "Reference objects 1". A statistic of all object measurements will be used in the calculation when "Value mode 1" is in "Object collection statistic" mode.
Statistic mode 1 Statistic to apply to all measurements (specified by "Reference measurement 1") of an object collection (specified by "Reference objects 1"). The resulting value will be used in the calculation when "Value mode 1" is in "Object collection statistic" mode. Choices are: First value, Last value, Minimum, Mean, Maximum, Range, Standard deviation, Sum.
Value mode 2 Controls how the second value in the calculation is defined:
  • "Fixed" A single, fixed value defined by "Fixed value 2"is used.
  • "Image measurement" A measurement associated with an image (specified by "Image 2") and defined by "Image measurement 2" is used.
  • "Measurement" A measurement associated with the input object and defined by "Measurement 2" is used.
  • "Object collection statistic" A statistic (specified by "Statistic mode 2") of a measurement (specified by "Reference measurement 2") associated with all objects in an object collection (specified by "Reference objects 2") is used. For example, the mean object volume. Note: The object collection used to calculate the statistic doesn't have to be the same as the input object collection.
Fixed value 2 Fixed value to use in the calculation when "Value mode 2" is in "Fixed" mode.
Image 2 A measurement associated with this image will be used in the calculated when "Value mode 2" is in "Image measurement" mode.
Image measurement 2 Measurement associated with an image (specified by "Image 2") to use in the calculation when "Value mode 2" is in "Image measurement" mode.
Measurement 2 Measurement, associated with the current object, to use in the calculation when "Value mode 2" is in "Measurement" mode.
Reference objects 2 Object collection for which a statistic of an associated measurement will be used in the calculation when "Value mode 2" is in "Object collection statistic" mode.
Reference measurement 2 Measurement associated with the objects in the collection specified by "Reference objects 2". A statistic of all object measurements will be used in the calculation when "Value mode 2" is in "Object collection statistic" mode.
Statistic mode 2 Statistic to apply to all measurements (specified by "Reference measurement 2") of an object collection (specified by "Reference objects 2"). The resulting value will be used in the calculation when "Value mode 2" is in "Object collection statistic" mode. Choices are: First value, Last value, Minimum, Mean, Maximum, Range, Standard deviation, Sum.
Output measurement The value resulting from the calculation will be stored as a new measurement with this name. This output measurement will be associated with the corresponding object from the input object collection.
Calculation mode Calculation to perform. Choices are: Add measurement 1 and measurement 2, Divide measurement 1 by measurement 2, Multiply measurement 1 and measurement 2, Subtract measurement 2 from measurement 1.