Dilate and erode
Applies binary dilate or erode operations to an image in the workspace.
Applies binary dilate or erode operations to an image in the workspace. Dilate will expand all foreground-labelled regions by a specified number of pixels, while erode will shrink all foreground-labelled regions by the same ammount.
This image will be 8-bit with binary logic determined by the "Binary logic" parameter. If 2D operations are applied on higher dimensionality images the operations will be performed in a slice-by-slice manner. All operations (both 2D and 3D) use the plugin "MorphoLibJ".
Parameter | Description |
Input image | Image from workspace to apply dilate or erode operation to. |
Apply to input image | When selected, the post-operation image will overwrite the input image in the workspace. Otherwise, the image will be saved to the workspace with the name specified by the "Output image" parameter. |
Output image | If "Apply to input image" is not selected, the post-operation image will be saved to the workspace with this name. This image will be 8-bit with binary logic determined by the "Binary logic" parameter. |
Filter mode | Controls what sort of dilate or erode operation is performed on the input image:
Number of iterations | Number of times the operation will be run on a single image. Effectively, this allows objects to be dilated or eroded by a specific number of pixels. |
Binary logic | Controls whether objects are considered to be white (255 intensity) on a black (0 intensity) background, or black on a white background. |