Binary operations 2D

Applies stock ImageJ binary operations to an image in the workspace.


Applies stock ImageJ binary operations to an image in the workspace. This image will be 8-bit with binary logic determined by the "Binary logic" parameter. All operations are performed in 2D, with higher dimensionality stacks being processed slice-by-slice.


Parameter Description
Input image Image from workspace to apply binary operation to. This image will be 8-bit with binary logic determined by the "Binary logic" parameter.
Apply to input image When selected, the post-operation image will overwrite the input image in the workspace. Otherwise, the image will be saved to the workspace with the name specified by the "Output image" parameter.
Output image If "Apply to input image" is not selected, the post-operation image will be saved to the workspace with this name.
Filter mode Controls which binary operation will be applied. The operations are described in full here:
  • "Dilate" Change any foreground-connected background pixels to foreground. This effectively expands objects by one pixel.
  • "Distance map" Create a 32-bit greyscale image where the value of each foreground pixel is equal to its Euclidean distance to the nearest background pixel.
  • "Erode" Change any background-connected foreground pixels to background. This effectively shrinks objects by one pixel.
  • "Fill holes" Change all background pixels in a region which is fully enclosed by foreground pixels to foreground.
  • "Outline" Convert all non-background-connected foreground pixels to background. This effectively creates a fully-background image, except for the outer band of foreground pixels.
  • "Skeletonise" Repeatedly applies the erode process until each foreground region is a single pixel wide.
  • "Ultimate points" Repeatedly applies the erode process until each foreground is reduced to a single pixel. The value of the remaining, isolated foreground pixels are equal to their equivalent, pre-erosion distance map values. This process outputs a 32-bit greyscale image.
  • "Voronoi" Creates an image subdivided by lines such that all pixels contained within an enclosed region are closest to the same contiguous object in the input binary image.
  • "Watershed" Peforms a distance-based watershed transform on the image. This process is able to split separate regions of a single connected foreground region as long as the sub-regions are connected by narrow necks (e.g. snowman shape). Background lines are drawn between each sub-region such that they are no longer connected.
Number of iterations Number of times the operation will be run on a single image. For example, this allows objects to be eroded further than one pixel in a single step.
Count The minimum number of connected background or foreground for an erosion or dilation process to occur, respectively.
Binary logic Controls whether objects are considered to be white (255 intensity) on a black (0 intensity) background, or black on a white background.