Image calculator

Apply pixel-wise intensity calculations for two images of matching dimensions.


Apply pixel-wise intensity calculations for two images of matching dimensions.

Note: Images to be processed must have matching spatial dimensions and intensity bit-depths.


Parameter Description
Input image 1 First image to be processed as part of calculation.
Input image 2 Second image to be processed as part of calculation.
Overwrite mode Controls how the resultant image should be output:
  • "Create new image" (default) will create a new image and save it to the workspace.
  • "Overwrite image 1" will overwrite the first input image with the output image. The output image will retain all measurements from the first input image.
  • "Overwrite image 2" will overwrite the second input image with the output image. The output image will retain all measurements from the second input image.
Output image Name of the output image created during the image calculation. This image will be added to the workspace.
Output 32-bit image When enabled, the calculation will be performed on 32-bit float values. This is useful if the calculation is likely to create negative or decimal values. The output image will also be stored in the workspace as a 32-bit float image.
Calculation method The calculation to apply to the two input images.
Image 2 relative contribution
Set NaN values to zero If input images are 32-bit (or are being converted to 32-bit via "Output 32-bit image" option) the output image can contain NaN (not a number) values in place of any zeros.