Image processing operations leading to changes in the whole stack layout. For example, substack extraction, cropping or drift correction.
Modules performing alignment of images within a stack to account for sample drift or other motion.
DEPRECATED: Please use ExtractSubstack module.
Concatenate stacksCombine two or more image stacks into a single stack.
Concatenate stacks 2This is a candidate replacement for the original ConcatenateStacks.
Convert 3D stack (switch Z and T)Ensures 3D stacks (or 4D with multiple channels) are of the expected type (timeseries or Z-stack).
Crop imageCrop an image in X and Y using pre-defined limits or limits based on the extents of objects in a collection.
Extract substackExtract a substack from the specified input image in terms of channels, slices and frames.
Flip stackFlips the order of slices in stack.
Focus stack (global)Extract a Z-substack from an input stack based on either manually-selected slices, or an automatically-calculated best-focus slice.
Focus stack (local)Focuses a Z-stack into a single plane using the StackFocuser ImageJ plugin.
Interpolate Z axisInterpolates Z-axis of image to match XY spatial calibration
Merge channelsDEPRECATED: This Module has been superseeded by the more generalised "Concatenate stacks" Module.
Project image Replace imageThis module duplicates an image into another, existing, image.
Scale stackApplies independent X,Y and Z-axis scaling to an input image.