Extract substack

Extract a substack from the specified input image in terms of channels, slices and frames.


Extract a substack from the specified input image in terms of channels, slices and frames. The output image is saved to the workspace for use later on in the workflow.


Parameter Description
Input image Image from which the substack will be taken.
Output image Output substack image.
Selection mode Method for selection of substack dimension ranges.

- "Fixed" (default) will apply the pre-specified dimension ranges to the input image.

- "Manual" will display a dialog asking the user to select the dimension ranges at runtime. Each dimension (channel, slice or frame) can be fixed (i.e. not presented as an option to the user) using the "enable" toggles.
Channels Channel range to be extracted from the input image. If "Selection mode" is set to "Fixed" this will be applied to each image. If "Selection mode" is set to "Manual" this will be the default value present to the user, but can be changed for the final extraction.
Slices Slice range to be extracted from the input image. If "Selection mode" is set to "Fixed" this will be applied to each image. If "Selection mode" is set to "Manual" this will be the default value present to the user, but can be changed for the final extraction.
Frames Frame range to be extracted from the input image. If "Selection mode" is set to "Fixed" this will be applied to each image. If "Selection mode" is set to "Manual" this will be the default value present to the user, but can be changed for the final extraction.
Enable channels selection If enabled, the user will be able to specify the final channel range to be used in the substack extraction.
Enable slices selection If enabled, the user will be able to specify the final slice range to be used in the substack extraction.
Enable frames selection If enabled, the user will be able to specify the final frame range to be used in the substack extraction.