Image processing operations which act on a pixel level, such as image filtering or thresholding.
Image operations which either act binary images. Binary images are 8-bit with 255-intensity background and 0-intensity objects.
Operations binarising images from the workspace. Thresholds can be calculated automatically or applied manually.
Applies the MPICBG implementation of CLAHE (Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization).
Apply DeepImageJ modelUses DeepImageJ to run Tensorflow and Pytorch models from the BioImage Model Zoo.
Bleaching correctionApply bleaching correction to a specified image.
Colour deconvolutionApplies the <a href="https://imagej.
Combing correctionApplies an integer pixel row shift to every other row (starting with top-most row).
Filter imageApply intensity filters to an image (or image stack) in the workspace.
Image calculatorApply pixel-wise intensity calculations for two images of matching dimensions.
Image mathApplies a mathematical operation to all pixels of the input image stack.
Image type converterChange the bit-depth of an image stack.
Invert image intensityInvert intensity of each pixel.
Manually edit imageDisplays an image from the workspace, allowing the user to make manual edits, before saving it back into the workspace.
Normalise intensitySets the intensity to maximise the dynamic range of the image.
Weka pixel classificationPerforms pixel classification using the WEKA Trainable Segmentation plugin.
White balance correctionApply whitebalance correction to an image based on a reference region (specified as an object).