Affine (manual)
Apply 2D affine transforms to align images from the workspace to other images from the workspace using manually-selected reference points.
Apply 2D affine transforms to align images from the workspace to other images from the workspace using manually-selected reference points. When the module runs, the input and reference images are displayed. The user then selects matching points on each image and clicks "Add pair(s)". Points must be added in the same order on each image (ID numbers next to each point provide a reference). Points are shown in the control window and can be deleted by highlighting the relevant entry and clicking "Remove pair". Finally, the alignment is accepted by clicking "Finish adding pairs", at which point the images are closed and the transform is applied. If multiple slices/timepoints are to be aligned, the next image pair will immediately be displayed and the processes is repeated. The transformed input image can either overwrite the input image in the workspace, or be saved to the workspace with a new name.Alignments are calculated using the MPICBG image transformation library.
Parameter | Description |
Input image | Image from workspace to apply registration to. |
Apply to input image | When selected, the post-operation image will overwrite the input image in the workspace. Otherwise, the image will be saved to the workspace with the name specified by the "Output image" parameter. |
Output image | If "Apply to input image" is not selected, the post-operation image will be saved to the workspace with this name. |
Registration axis | Controls which stack axis the registration will be applied in. For example, when "Time" is selected, all images along the time axis will be aligned. Choices are: Time, Z. |
Other axis mode | For stacks with non-registration axis lengths longer than 1 (e.g. the "Z" axis when registering in time) the behaviour of this other axis is controlled by this parameter:
Fill mode | Controls what intensity any border pixels will have. "Borders" in this case correspond to strips/wedges at the image edge corresponding to regions outside the initial image (e.g. the right-side of an output image when the input was translated to the left). Choices are: Black, White. |
Show detected points | When enabled, the points used for calculation of the registration will be added as an overlay to the input image and displayed. |
Enable multithreading | When selected, certain parts of the registration process will be run on multiple threads of the CPU. This can provide a speed improvement when working on a computer with a multi-core CPU. |
Reference mode | Controls what reference image each image will be compared to:
Number of previous frames | Number of previous frames (or slices) to use as reference image when "Reference mode" is set to "Previous N frames". If there are insufficient previous frames (e.g. towards the beginning of the stack) the maximum available frames will be used. Irrespective of the number of frames used, the images will be projected into a single reference image using the statistic specified by "Previous frames statistic". |
Previous frames statistic | Statistic to use when combining multiple previous frames as a reference ("Reference mode" set to "Previous N frames"). |
Reference image | If "Reference mode" is set to "Specific image" mode, all input images will be registered relative to this image. This image must only have a single channel, slice and timepoint. |
Calculation source | Controls whether the input image will be used to calculate the registration transform or whether it will be determined from a separate image:
External source | If "Calculation source" is set to "External", registration transforms will be calculated using this image from the workspace. This image will be unaffected by the process. |
Calculation channel | If calculating the registration transform from a multi-channel image stack, the transform will be determined from this channel only. Irrespectively, for multi-channel image stacks, the calculated transform will be applied equally to all channels. |
Transformation mode | Controls the type of registration being applied:
Test flip (mirror image) | When selected, alignment will be tested for both the "normal" and "flipped" (mirror) states of the image. The state yielding the lower cost to alignment will be retained. |
Independent rotation | When selected, the image will be rotated multiple times, with registration optimised at each orientation. The orientation with the best score will be retained. This is useful for algorithms which perform poorly with rotated features (e.g. block matching). The increment between rotations is controlled by "Orientation increment (degs)". |
Orientation increment (degs) | If "Independent rotation" is enabled, this is the angular increment between rotations. The increment is specified in degree units. |
Show transformation(s) | When selected, the affine transform will be displayed in the results table. Fixed affine transform values such as these can be applied using the "Affine (fixed transform)" module. |
Clear between images | If "Show transformation(s)" is enabled, this parameter can be used to reset the displayed affine transform in the results table. If this option isn't selected, the new transform will be added to the bottom of the results table. |
Point selection mode | The source for points to be used in calculation of image registration: