Measurement extremes

Filter an object collection to remove/retain the object with the largest/smallest value for a specific measurement.


Filter an object collection to remove/retain the object with the largest/smallest value for a specific measurement. The objects identified for removal can be indeed removed from the input collection, moved to another collection (and removed from the input collection) or simply counted (but retained in the input collection).


Parameter Description
Input objects Objects to be filtered.
Filter mode Controls what happens to objects which don't pass the filter:
  • "Do nothing" Retains all input objects, irrespective of whether they passed or failed the filter. This is useful when also storing the filter results as metadata values (i.e. just counting the number of objects which pass the filter).
  • "Move filtered objects to new class" Objects failing the filter are moved to a new object class. The name of the class is determined by the "Output (filtered) objects" parameter. All existing measurements and relationships are carried forward into the new object collection.
  • "Remove filtered objects" (default) Removes objects failing the filter. Once removed, these objects are unavailable for further use by modules and won't be included in exported results.
Output (filtered) objects New object collection containing input objects which did not pass the filter. These objects are only stored if "Filter mode" is set to "Move filtered objects to new class".
Method for filtering Controls what happens to objects which don't pass the filter:

- "Remove with largest measurements" Remove the object with the largest value measurement specified by "Measurement to filter on".

- "Remove with smallest measurements" Remove the object with the smallest value measurement specified by "Measurement to filter on".

- "Retain with largest measurements" Retain only the object with the largest value measurement specified by "Measurement to filter on".

- "Retain with smallest measurements" Retain only the object with the smallest value measurement specified by "Measurement to filter on".
Filter per timepoint When selected, the measurements will be considered on a timepoint-by-timepoint basis. For example, if retaining the object with the largest measurement, the object in each timepoint with the largest measurement would be retained; however, when not selected, only one object in the entire timeseries would be retained.
Filter per parent object
Parent object
Measurement to filter on Objects will be filtered against their value of this measurement. Objects missing this measurement are not removed; however, they can be removed by using the module "With / without measurement".
Number of measurements Number of objects with the most extreme measurements to remove or retain. If an insufficient number of objects are available, the most possible will be used.