Add object centroid
Adds an overlay to the specified input image representing each object by a single marker placed at the centroid of that object.
Adds an overlay to the specified input image representing each object by a single marker placed at the centroid of that object.
Parameter | Description |
Colour mode | Method for assigning colour of each object:
Colour map | Colourmap used for colour gradients. This parameter is used if "Colour mode" is set to any mode which yields a range of colours (e.g. measurements or IDs). Choices are: Black fire, Ice, Jet, Physics, Random, Random (vibrant), Spectrum, Thermal. |
Single colour | Colour for all object overlays to be rendered using. This parameter is used if "Colour mode" is set to "Single colour". Choices are: White, Black, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Cyan, Blue, Violet, Magenta. |
Child objects for colour | Object collection used to determine the colour based on number of children per object when "Colour mode" is set to "Child count". These objects will be children of the input objects. |
Measurement for colour | Measurement used to determine the colour when "Colour mode" is set to either "Measurement value" or "Parent measurement value". |
Metadata item for colour | |
Parent object for colour | Object collection used to determine the colour based on either the ID or measurement value of a parent object when "Colour mode" is set to either "Parent ID" or "Parent measurement value". These objects will be parents of the input objects. |
Partner objects for colour | Object collection used to determine the colour based on number of partners per object when "Colour mode" is set to "Partner count". These objects will be partners of the input objects. |
Opacity (%) | Opacity of the overlay to be rendered. This is a value between 0 (totally transparent) and 100 (totally opaque). |
Range minimum mode | Controls whether the minimum range for displayed colours is set automatically to the minimum available value (e.g. the smallest measurement being rendered), or whether it is defined manually by the "Minimum value" parameter. |
Minimum value | When "Range minimum mode" is set to "Manual", this is the minimum value that will be displayed as a unique colour. All values smaller than this will be displayed with the same colour. |
Range maximum mode | Controls whether the maximum range for displayed colours is set automatically to the maximum available value (e.g. the largest measurement being rendered), or whether it is defined manually by the "Maximum value" parameter. |
Maximum value | When "Range maximum mode" is set to "Manual", this is the maximum value that will be displayed as a unique colour. All values larger than this will be displayed with the same colour. |
Input image | Image onto which overlay will be rendered. Input image will only be updated if "Apply to input image" is enabled, otherwise the image containing the overlay will be stored as a new image with name specified by "Output image". |
Input objects | Objects to represent as overlays. |
Apply to input image | Determines if the modifications made to the input image (added overlay elements) will be applied to that image or directed to a new image. When selected, the input image will be updated. |
Add output image to workspace | If the modifications (overlay) aren't being applied directly to the input image, this control will determine if a separate image containing the overlay should be saved to the workspace. |
Output image | The name of the new image to be saved to the workspace (if not applying the changes directly to the input image). |
Point size | Size of each overlay marker. Choices are: Tiny, Small, Medium, Large, Extra large. |
Point type | Type of overlay marker used to represent each object. Choices are: Circle, Cross, Dot, Hybrid. |
Render in all frames | Display the overlay elements in all frames (time axis) of the input image stack, irrespective of whether the object was present in that frame. |
Enable multithreading | Process multiple overlay elements simultaneously. This can provide a speed improvement when working on a computer with a multi-core CPU. |