
Modules adding ImageJ overlay elements to images. For example, object outlines, object ID labels or fixed text.

Add all object points

Adds an overlay to the specified input image with all points in the specified input objects rendered as small circles.

Add arrows

Adds an overlay to the specified input image with each object represented by an arrow.

Add contour lines

Adds overlay contour lines (and optional labels) to an image.

Add from position measurement

Adds an overlay to the specified input image representing each object by a single marker.

Add labels

Adds an overlay to the specified input image with each object represented by a text label.

Add line

Draws an overlay line between two specified points.

Add object centroid

Adds an overlay to the specified input image representing each object by a single marker placed at the centroid of that object.

Add object fill

Adds an overlay to the specified input image showing the extent of each specified input object as a filled shape.

Add object outline

Adds an overlay to the specified input image showing the outline of each specified input object.

Add overlay

DEPRECATED - Please use individual overlay modules (e.

Add relationship connection

Adds a series of line overlays, representing various relationship scenarios.

Add text

Adds an overlay to the specified input image showing a fixed text label.

Add tracks

Adds an overlay to the specified input image showing the path of each track object.

Clear overlay

Removes any overlay elements from specified image.