Add contour lines

Adds overlay contour lines (and optional labels) to an image.


Adds overlay contour lines (and optional labels) to an image. Lines correspond to contours of constant intensity in the input image.


Parameter Description
Input image Image onto which overlay will be rendered. Input image will only be updated if "Apply to input image" is enabled, otherwise the image containing the overlay will be stored as a new image with name specified by "Output image".
Apply to input image Determines if the modifications made to the input image (added overlay elements) will be applied to that image or directed to a new image. When selected, the input image will be updated.
Add output image to workspace If the modifications (overlay) aren't being applied directly to the input image, this control will determine if a separate image containing the overlay should be saved to the workspace.
Output image The name of the new image to be saved to the workspace (if not applying the changes directly to the input image).
Minimum intensity Minimum contour magnitude to display.
Maximum intensity Maximum contour magnitude to display.
Number of contours Number of different contour magnitudes to display. Contour lines are equally spaced in magnitude between "Minimum intensity" and "Maximum intensity".
Contour colour mode Determines the colour look-up table to use when rendering the contours. Colour corresponds to the magnitude of that contour line:

- "Black fire" Standard ImageJ "Fire" look-up table. Values taken from "".

- "Ice" Standard ImageJ "Ice" look-up table. Values taken from "".

- "Jet" Look-up table with colour progression blue, cyan, green, yellow, orange, red.

- "Physics" Standard Fiji "Physics" look-up table. Values taken from "".

- "Random" Random sequence of colours.

- "Single colour" All contour lines have the same colour, determined by the "Contour colour" parameter.

- "Single colour gradient" Single colour gradient from the colour determined by the "Contour colour" parameter (lowest magnitude contour line) and white (highest magnitude contour line).

- "Spectrum" Standard ImageJ "Spectrum" look-up table. Values taken from "".

- "Thermal" Standard Fiji "Thermal" look-up table. Values taken from "".
Contour colour Contour colour used when "Contour colour mode" is set to either "Single colour" or "Single colour gradient". Choices are: White, Black, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Cyan, Blue, Violet, Magenta.
Line width Width of the rendered lines. Specified in pixel units.
Draw every N points Specifies the interval between plotted points on the contour line. This is useful when there are a lot of contour lines in an image and where a reduction in line precision isn't problematic. Plotting fewer points will reduce the memory required to store/display overlays.
Show labels Display magnitude values as text on each contour line. Labels are placed randomly on each contour and are oriented in line with the local contour line.
Decimal places Number of decimal places to use when displaying numeric values.
Use scientific notation When enabled, numeric values will be displayed in the format 1.23E-3. Otherwise, the same value would appear as 0.00123.
Label colour mode Determines the colour look-up table to use when rendering the contour labels. Colour corresponds to the magnitude of that contour line:

- "Black fire" Standard ImageJ "Fire" look-up table. Values taken from "".

- "Ice" Standard ImageJ "Ice" look-up table. Values taken from "".

- "Jet" Look-up table with colour progression blue, cyan, green, yellow, orange, red.

- "Physics" Standard Fiji "Physics" look-up table. Values taken from "".

- "Random" Random sequence of colours.

- "Single colour" All contour line labels have the same colour, determined by the "Contour colour" parameter.

- "Single colour gradient" Single colour gradient from the colour determined by the "Contour colour" parameter (lowest magnitude contour line label) and white (highest magnitude contour line label).

- "Spectrum" Standard ImageJ "Spectrum" look-up table. Values taken from "".

- "Thermal" Standard Fiji "Thermal" look-up table. Values taken from "".
Label colour Contour line label colour used when "Contour colour mode" is set to either "Single colour" or "Single colour gradient". Choices are: White, Black, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Cyan, Blue, Violet, Magenta.
Label size Font size of the text label.