Set spatial calibration

Update spatial calibration for XY and Z axes based on defined physical and corresponding image (pixel) distances.


Update spatial calibration for XY and Z axes based on defined physical and corresponding image (pixel) distances. Both physical and image distances can be drawn from a variety of sources including image and object measurements, fixed values and user-defined values (specified at runtime). Calibration can be applied to XY and Z axes simultaneously or independently.


Parameter Description
Input image Image to which spatial calibration specified in this module will be applied.
Axis mode Controls to which image axes the spatial calibration specified in this module will applied:
  • "XY" Calibration will be applied to X and Y axes only. Z axis will retain its existing calibration.
  • "XY and Z" Calibration will be applied equally to XY and Z axes.
  • "Z" Calibration will be applied to Z axis only. X and Y axes will retain their existing calibrations.
Physical distance (PD) source Source for physical distance measurement:
  • "First object measurement" Distance is taken as the measurement (specified by "Objects measurement (PD)") for the first object in the collection "Objects for measurement (PD)". The first object is taken since only one value can be used.
  • "Fixed value" Distance is the fixed value specified by the "Fixed value (PD)" parameter.
  • "GUI selection (text box)" At runtime, the user is presented with a text entry dialog box, into which they can type the physical distance measurement.
  • "Image measurement" Distance is taken as the measurement (specified by "Image measurement (PD)") for the image "Image for measurement (PD)".
Objects for measurement (PD) If "Physical distance (PD) source" is set to "First object measurement", this is the object collection from which the first measurement will be taken as the physical distance.
Objects measurement (PD) If "Physical distance (PD) source" is set to "First object measurement", this is the measurement for the first object in the collection, "Objects for measurement (PD)", that willbe used as the physical distance.
Fixed value (PD) If "Physical distance (PD) source" is set to "Fixed value", this is the fixed value that will be used as the physical distance.
Display image (PD) If "Physical distance (PD) source" is set to "GUI selection (text box)", this image will be displayed to the user at the same time as the dialog box allowing the physical distance to be specified.
Store distance as measurement (PD) When selected (and if "Physical distance (PD) source" is set to "GUI selection (text box)"), the user-specified physical distance value will be added to the input image as a measurement. This only applies for GUI-based distance specifications as the distance isn't recorded elsewhere (e.g. as an existing image or object measurement, or as a hard-coded parameter).
Image for measurement (PD) If "Physical distance (PD) source" is set to "Image measurement", this is the image from which the measurement will be taken as the physical distance.
Image measurement (PD) If "Physical distance (PD) source" is set to "Image measurement", this is the measurement for the image, "Image for measurement (PD)", that willbe used as the physical distance.
Image distance (ID) source Source for image (pixel) distance measurement:
  • "First object measurement" Distance is taken as the measurement (specified by "Objects measurement (ID)") for the first object in the collection "Objects for measurement (ID)". The first object is taken since only one value can be used.
  • "Fixed value" Distance is the fixed value specified by the "Fixed value (ID)" parameter.
  • "GUI selection (text box)" At runtime, the user is presented with a text entry dialog box, into which they can type the image (pixel) distance measurement.
  • "Image measurement" Distance is taken as the measurement (specified by "Image measurement (ID)") for the image "Image for measurement (ID)".
Objects for measurement (ID) If "Image distance (ID) source" is set to "First object measurement", this is the object collection from which the first measurement will be taken as the image (pixel) distance.
Objects measurement (ID) If "Image distance (ID) source" is set to "First object measurement", this is the measurement for the first object in the collection, "Objects for measurement (ID)", that willbe used as the image (pixel) distance.
Fixed value (ID) If "Image distance (ID) source" is set to "Fixed value", this is the fixed value that will be used as the image (pixel) distance.
Display image (ID) If "Image distance (ID) source" is set to "GUI selection (text box)", this image will be displayed to the user at the same time as the dialog box allowing the image (pixel) distance to be specified.
Store distance as measurement (ID) When selected (and if "Image distance (ID) source" is set to "GUI selection (text box)"), the user-specified image (pixel) distance value will be added to the input image as a measurement. This only applies for GUI-based distance specifications as the distance isn't recorded elsewhere (e.g. as an existing image or object measurement, or as a hard-coded parameter).
Image for measurement (ID) If "Image distance (ID) source" is set to "Image measurement", this is the image from which the measurement will be taken as the image (pixel) distance.
Image measurement (ID) If "Image distance (ID) source" is set to "Image measurement", this is the measurement for the image, "Image for measurement (ID)", that willbe used as the image (pixel) distance.