Plot measurements as scatter

Creates an ImageJ scatter plot of two measurements associated with specified objects.


Creates an ImageJ scatter plot of two measurements associated with specified objects. A third measurement can be encoded as point colour. The output plot can either be displayed immediately in an interactive ImageJ plotting window or stored as an image to the MIA workspace (allowing it to subsequently be saved to file).


Parameter Description
Input objects Input object collection for which object-associated measurements will be plotted.
Output image Output plot image which will be saved to the workspace with this name.
First measurement (X) Measurement associated with the input objects which will be plotted along the x-axis.
Second measurement (Y) Measurement associated with the input objects which will be plotted along the y-axis.
Add third measurement as colour When selected, a third measurement can be represented as the plot marker colour. This colour will vary according to the colourmap set with the "Colourmap" parameter
Third measurement (Colour) If "Add third measurement as colour" is selected, this measurement associated with the input objects will determine the plot marker colour.
Colourmap If "Add third measurement as colour" is selected, this is the colourmap that will control how marker colours vary in response to the magnitude of their values.
Show as interactive plot When selected, and if displaying module output in realtime ("Show output" button selected), the plot will be displayed as an interactive ImageJ plot (editable rendering). Otherwise, the standard image output will be displayed (i.e. the same image added to the workspace).