Export ACC dataset

Exports objects and associated measurements in the Advanced Cell Classifier (ACC) format.


Exports objects and associated measurements in the Advanced Cell Classifier (ACC) format. The output dataset can be loaded into ACC, where machine learning can be applied to classify objects in a GUI-based environment. This module allows specific measurements to be exported from all those associated with the input objects. For more information on the format, please visit the Advanced Cell Classifier documentation.


Parameter Description
Input objects Objects for which an ACC dataset will be generated. A summary of each object is output along with the specified measurements in a format that can be loaded into ACC.
Input raw image Raw image from which objects were ultimately detected. This image doesn't need to show the object selections, but will be displayed in ACC with an optional overlay variant (specified by "Input overlay image"). As such, the objects themselves should be visible. Typically this would be a fluorescence or brightfield image.
Input overlay image Equivalent image to that specified by "Input raw image", but with an overlay showing the input objects. The overlay will be automatically flattened onto this image prior to saving.
Root dataset folder Root folder where the output ACC dataset will be stored.
Plate name Metadata item associated with the input image that corresponds to the plate name from which the image was taken. Note: The ACC format requires objects and images to be organised in a plate-based format; however, for single image samples, this text value could be set to the filename.
Row letter Metadata item associated with the input image that corresponds to the row letter for the plate well from which the image was taken. Note: The ACC format requires objects and images to be organised in a plate-based format; however, for single image samples, this text value could be set to the series number.
Column number Metadata item associated with the input image that corresponds to the column number for the plate well from which the image was taken. Note: The ACC format requires objects and images to be organised in a plate-based format; however, for single image samples, this numeric value could be set to the series number.
Show measurement selection When selected, the available measurements are displayed in the MIA interface. This allows only the relevant measurements associated with the objects to be used in ACC.
Measurements If "Show measurement selection" is selected, all measurements associated with the input objects will be shown in the MIA interface, along with tickboxes that can be used to mark those for inclusion in the ACC dataset.